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your trade mark on the DUBHE


In this page we try to group all information related to our life in a small sailboat, the DUBHE. Our plans to travel until Brazil, the motivation that took us to do this trip and all the preparations that we are doing to face so important adventure.

Many times we cannot define the reasons of our changes in the life. Perhaps it is a certain much hard thing that the fact simple to have the value, desire or perseverante being...
The man must follow his desires, not reducing the efforts for this, but, for this happen, first you must know yourself and your family and/or your friends. Perhaps you find the conclusion that to live must be totally in harmony with yourself. Therefore, you should have sensitivity with the nature, it will teach you the way.
(Vilmar y Gina - sail vessel Jornal)

Ramón + Rosana = Blanca
See the article about us in the SKIPPER magazine

      Begin this way...


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Copyright ©1999 by Ramón Pedregal
Barcelona - Spain
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